This woven Heart Busy bag can be used for a Grinch or valentines theme, or for fun fine motor play all year long with kids.
We loved the new Grinch movie that was recently released in the theaters! We also love a good busy bag. This busy bag is awesome because you can easily swap out the yarn or ribbon in the bag to make a variety of themes. Here, you can see how we made this a woven Grinch heart busy bag.
What you need to make the Grinch heart busy bag
foam hearts
weaving materials
hole punch
zippered pouch
To make the heart busy bag
Gather your supplies and punch holes around the exterior of the foam heart. Make as many hearts as you want to have in your busy bag.
It is always fun to have a few with different types of weaving materials.
Cut lengths of the yard that will weave around the entire edge of the heart.
Secure a piece of tape around the end of the yard to prevent fraying while weaving. (This is a great tip for little fingers)
Place all of items into a zippered pouch or plastic baggie, and you have a Grinch heart busy bag to take with you on the go or to play with at home!
What are Busy Bags?
Busy bags are small bags of materials that can be used to entertain kiddos at home or on the go.
They often contains materials that can create some kind of project or activity, but that can also be taken apart to played with again.
We like to keep a few in our diaper bag or purse all the time. They often come in handy in doctors offices, airplane and car rides, or anywhere else where the kids need to wait quietly!
Additionally, as our children transitioned out of taking naps, this was our best tool for having a bit of quiet time midday.
Whip up a few different ones and rotate them as you like, you will find that they are one of your greatest parenting tools! Enjoy!
Make it a Grinch Heart Christmas Ornament
Leave some space after lacing around the heart for exacta yarn on the top.
Tie the string to make a loop and hang this on the Christmas tree!
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