We are beginning to celebrate Spring in our house whether the weather wants to cooperate or not! One of my favorite ways to kick-off spring is by getting the garden ready. I love the fresh produce and keeping the kids involved is a great way to get them excited about all of those colorful veggies! We decided to repurpose some egg cartons to start our seedlings inside instead of waiting for warmer weather. This also has the added benefit of giving the kids a close-up of how plants grow. A great way to kick off our life cycle exploration! We will be focusing on plants and butterflies for these units. I start most projects with a vinyl or plastic tablecloth and a plastic bin to contain the mess.
[…] You definitely don’t need a full-sized garden in your backyard to garden with kids! Start some seedlings indoors to get a closer look at how they grow, and start a journal or a graph of their progress with your […]