We love to eat apples, drink apple cider, pick apples, and make apple arts and crafts in the fall. Basically before we go pumpkin crazy…we go apple crazy. This spin art apple bunting is both easy and fun for kids to make. My kids love to proudly display their artwork all over the house, so this activity was perfect for them.
If you don’t have a spin art machine, put it on your christmas list. We bought this for my daughter’s second birthday and it was a major hit. My kids could go on for hours making spin art. The affiliate links for these products will be at the bottom of this post, but if you don’t have the machine, you can always use a salad spinner! They used up the paint that came with the spinner in one session so we use either homemade liquid watercolors or watered down tempera paint (which is what we used here).
To make:
Draw an apple shape on your paper and cut them out, it doesn’t really matter the size as long as it fits inside of your spinner machine or salad spinner.
Gather your materials, we used droppers and pipettes for pouring the paint. Squeeze bottles would work as well but I don’t have any…they have been on my list for quite some time now…
Mix tempera paint with a little bit of water so that it can be easily squeezed.
Place your apple in your machine and begin to spin, squeezing the paint in as your go! We made SO many apples like this, way more than we needed for our bunting, but the kids were just having too much fun. I think they would actually do this forever if I didn’t care about how much paint they were using!
Cut some leaves out of construction paper and tape to the back of your apples.
Attach the apples to a piece of twine or ribbon my taping the back of them.
And that’s it! Easy peasy. 🙂
To see another apple-themed activity, check out our apple print artwork.
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