We are really enjoying our beach vacation projects – this one was extremely simple and tons of fun!
We packed a toy train to take to the beach with us. I chose to use a bath toy train as opposed to the wooden trains…I didn’t know how well those would work in the sand and the bath toy ended up being perfect!
Mack is just not into playing trains as much as most little boys are, however, he does enjoy building the tracks! This beach was a little lacking in the driftwood department so we found a couple of sticks and placed them together to begin our track, from there we just drew lines in the sand!
Mack drew a station and poked holes in the sand to make the people.
He drove his train over ‘mountains’ and through ‘tunnels’.
And then continued to drive it all around the beach. Just another way to explore the sand as well as objects you find on the beach! While our tracks weren’t too extensive I hope the idea inspires you to do something similar! We are camping at a beach next month and I am counting on loads of driftwood to build a whole train yard!
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