Play in childhood really is SO important in childhood. An IBM survey says CEOs value employees with creativity, which is fostered via childhood play. Additionally, researchers say free play can significantly improve kids’ problem-solving skills and is one of the best ways to stimulate children’s brain development, while make-believe play
Gift Guide for Toddlers and Preschoolers: Dramatic Play Toys
Do your kids love to play pretend? Quickly outgrowing the baby toys, yet not quite big enough for smaller-piece toys, it can be a challenge to find developmentally appropriate and safe toys for the 2-3 year old age range. Notice that some of my favorite brands included are Melissa & Doug,
Fall Sensory Bin With The Schleich Chicken Coop
I like to keep a sensory bin handy each month for the kids to explore, usually corresponding to a theme or a holiday. It provides us with a wonderful opportunity to begin the dialogue for what kinds of activities we will be focusing on. We had the opportunity to review
Learning Colors with Magic Moves® Rainbow Jam by Educational Insights: Review
Does she know her colors yet? I’m sure as a parent you have heard this question a thousand times….at the park by inquiring moms, at your child’s 2 year checkup, or from your need-to-know-everything mother-in-law family members. Comparing children is something we all do, intentionally or not. As we know, each
Play Therapy at Home with Puppets on a Stick Rainbow Prancers: Review
While getting my Masters at NYU in Educational Psychology, I took a course on Play Therapy. In hindsight, it was one of the best classes that I attended and has come in VERY handy with my oldest son (4 years old). He is very cautious and analytical, always