I believe in gentle parenting. I do not believe in yelling at, or shaming my children. That said…nobody is perfect. I definitely lose my cool at times, and I yell. I would love to tell you that it never happens and that my parenting is right out of a child
3 Joys of Parenting a Spirited Child
Spirited, intense, even difficult, call it what you wish, it all boils down to the same personality type. The one that can make you want to scream with frustration and giggle with delight, pound your head against the wall with exhaustion then melt into a warm and welcome embrace, or
5 Tips for Easing Toddler Transitions
Transitions can be the source of many toddler meltdowns. If you’re a parent of a toddler, you’ve been there. Often giving up a desired object or activity for a sometimes less desirable activity (i.e. Lunch- heaven forbid we make them eat!) can be quite challenging. Not that it necessarily gets
A Month of Gratitude with Kids: Teach Kindness, Love, and Thanks
These gratitude activities are great for celebrating a month of gratitude with kids. Grab the free printable included to mark off as you go. I want to give my kids the world, but I also want to help them appreciate what they have, and the people in their lives. We
Ditch the Handbook: 3 Pieces of UNCONVENTIONAL Parenting Advice
1. Worry less about what your kids know, rather, focus on how they learn. We’ve all been there…you are at the playground and the child next to yours on the swing looks to be about the same age. The next thing you know, that genius child starts rattling off her ABC’s