This daily feelings check in printable is great for kids to use to express and verbalize, or write, how they are feelings about their day. All emotions and feelings are normal. This is what I tell my kids on the daily. However, when dealing with emotions and feelings, it’s important
Back to School Affirmations: Printable Mini Book
Back to school time can be one of stress, excitement, anxiety and nervousness for many kids. Often even in the most familiar of settings, there is still some unknown with beginning a new grade and a new year. Words of affirmation can be very beneficial for kids of all ages.
Is the Moms Meet WOW Summit for You?
Are you a blogger looking to grow your brand and connect with other influencers and mom-friendly companies? Are you a mom looking for more healthy and natural alternatives for your family? Then the WOW Summit 16‘ is for you! This year, it will be held in National Harbor, MD (8
Pocket Fidgets for Kids Who Can’t Sit Still
If you are a parent of a child who can’t sit still, one of your biggest concerns is most likely how they will fare in school. How will they sit for hours at a time without getting in trouble? Better yet, how will they do this and still be able
How to Help an Angry Child Calm Down: 5 Tips
Here are some tips on how to help an angry child calm down gently. Plus, 8 tools they can use to calm down anywhere. Grab a printable reminder. Regulating emotions can be difficult for any child, those with more of a natural inclination to anger can have an especially
5 Steps to Reconnecting with Your Kids After Yelling
I believe in gentle parenting. I do not believe in yelling at, or shaming my children. That said…nobody is perfect. I definitely lose my cool at times, and I yell. I would love to tell you that it never happens and that my parenting is right out of a child
3 Joys of Parenting a Spirited Child
Spirited, intense, even difficult, call it what you wish, it all boils down to the same personality type. The one that can make you want to scream with frustration and giggle with delight, pound your head against the wall with exhaustion then melt into a warm and welcome embrace, or
5 Tips for Easing Toddler Transitions
Transitions can be the source of many toddler meltdowns. If you’re a parent of a toddler, you’ve been there. Often giving up a desired object or activity for a sometimes less desirable activity (i.e. Lunch- heaven forbid we make them eat!) can be quite challenging. Not that it necessarily gets
10 Ways to Become a More Positive and Present Parent in 2016
There are days where I feel like I have this parenting thing under my belt…and then there are days where it just completely gets the best of me. Ironically, those days actually have very little to do with my children and are more a product of outside stressors wearing on
Kindness Candy: Spread Cheer this Holiday Season and Teach Kindness
Too often this time of year we hear stories about how poorly people can treat each other. It always amazes me that people have the audacity to say or do rude things to one another. I don’t want this post to be negative, and I do see good in people