This ice cream craft creates word family games, perfect for big kids to practice word building and reading. Make it a busy bag for big kids on the go by laminating pieces and using a pencil pouch!
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Make Your Ice Cream Word Family Games Craft
What you need:
- Brown construction paper
- White, brown, and pink construction paper (or other colors!)
- Scissors
- Ruler
- Pen or crayons
- Sharpie
What to do:
1. To create your cones, draw a 3” line on a piece of brown construction paper. I then let our little one draw the other 3” line, making a V shape.
2. Draw a line over the V creating a triangle. Cut these out.
3. To create the ice cream, take a circular object (we used a mason jar lid) and make a semi-circle on the colored construction paper.
4. Make 3 waves under the semi-circle. Cut these out.
5. On the cones, write down word family endings. Examples include:
6. On the ice cream, write down beginning sounds or blends. We just used letters, but you can easily extend this activity to use blends.
7. Mix and match your ice cream layers to put together word families!
Word Family Games to Play with your Busy Bag:
Real and Made-Up Words
1. Stack your ice cream cone with all the beginning blends. What words are made up, and what words are real?
1. Put the ice cream and cones face-down, like in memory. When you flip an ice cream and a cone over, if it makes a real word, it makes a match and the person gets 1 point. If it does not make a real word, you have to put them back down.
2. Keep a list of who-has-what word. OR after you make a real word, you can take the ice cream and the cone.
To play with these over and over again, laminate the cones and ice cream scoops and throw them in a pencil pouch for a word family games big kid busy bag!
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